Sunday, September 7, 2008

GOD'S COPY: (Bk. Trade Slang): usually an exceptionally fine book often difficult to find.

Wheat & Weeds and the Wolf of Gubbio Prayers & Stories Graziano MarcheschiSheed & Ward 01/94 $9.95ISBN: 1556126611. Do you ever really reflect on all those occasions in life when you: hear an old song on the radio that has you smile; see a photograph that reminds you of a time so good you wanted a permanent memory of it for an album of yours; watch a movie that captures a feeling you forgot you could feel; read a poem or a book that has you recalling anger, grief, rage, or lost love so that you notice for a brief time in your busy life who you really are?

If those moments are little treasures for you, then so is this book.
It reminds us what is real..

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